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Interior Journal from Stanford, Kentucky • Page 4

Interior Journal from Stanford, Kentucky • Page 4

Interior Journali
Stanford, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Fob Sale. Cood bnjc-y mare. H. G. Lutes, Stanford, Two fresh Jersey cows for sale, E.

T. Eeazley, Stanford. urfdmiA aj Stanford Aa POBLIG ME WalKirg Oxford tuxmd-claa matter. Trigg county tobacco growers will L. li.

TI7-TE TJIBLE Hmit the acreage to 70 per cent waiter Martin his bunch of lamba for July delivery to D. C. Allen at 6i. Lost, red yearling steer. Left about No.M,outh,ll:Wf.

H. M. No. North, 4:40 A. M.

No, W. T. M. Vo.tT, 10:47 i. M.

No. u. rlc ent- May 6. Reward. H.

Keid, Stanford. ZRY Tob Sale. A good family hone, perfectly gentle-, Miaa, MoUie. JBroaks, wan urcnara. htmct of this tcU SImk-.

Almost every tobacco plant bed in the Stock of Merchandise vicinity of Crittenden county has been for Sale. destroyed by plant-bed scrapers. The total sales of loose leaf tobacco Ildeslre to sell privately my stock of GrO' cries anft Hardware. Dollitf A tfood bunl in all the markets of Virginia for th urns. VSHl luvolce about Ini.

lu son- ill hvaltu. six months ending with last February OXFOR DS GRO. D.HOPPEIt, Stanford, Ky. li is (lildiD amounted to 96.565.6641 nonnda TV, I. pr.

WJUlIf UK IWIHH UU Metropolitan Handicap at Belmont Park. Fayette wai second and Juggler North Lancaster Street, Ithird. M. Phillips has sold a lot of corn at For Treatment of Diseases of the Eye. Nose.

'Vuroat, tsur, wenlto-Urtnary, Keotal Or gans. Nervous Hvslein and BUrgery. $4.50 at the crib. D. B.

Chatham bought pair of mare mules in Garrard In Beautiful West Danville. county few days ago for $450. Har i rodsburg Herald. representing Jos, Knw tfl the tim of year to feed your fowls There will be offered at publio auction without reserve or by-bid, 35 of Stem Sod, New York, Bold to a eooa tonio, -u-44 ouret uuoiora, uapea, Ivotio. Ranker and Llmbernssck.

wbn fed the most desirable building lots in West Danville on preventive it not only keep iheua health Egan, of Chicago, and Arthur Stern, 'I!" i' J- 1 'i V'V v. Greeii, White, Tan, Ox Blood and Black, IN ALL THE STYLES FOR 19Q9. for eiimkMsium lay. I'nott fit oents, no cure, no pay( Tour druKtcivt. Go.

L. Penny, guaranteed I of New York, 690 slop fed cattle L00 Pounds at about tfl tniHraniue. Ask for book let on dLaea Advocate. poultry. A Lancaster special says: T.

Eczema is Curable 9 ftUQ.a acientifle preparation lot waiter, or mis place, nas IBS acres within about two miles of the city that 1 Rtnn. Itrhtne IfUTtanUV i and destroys the germs that canse sain I wiwu iu nenip ana is reported as 100 PROMPTLY AT 1 O'CLOCK. dixasca. Ecsema quickly yields and mg unusually fine, Messrs B. F.

Hud ma-tnanenUr cured by this temarkabl son and James House have crops on the medicine. All Write for eanr same farm owned by Mr. Hudson and tim. g.W.BosMea.i;o,Sii.i-uw. Dr.

Elliott, making la all nearly 400 West Danville Is located la the very heart oi the growingraiJential -dis fenny 's Drug Store. acres to process of cultivation. trict of the city; new houses are being erected and the demand for dwellings In this section is far beyond the supply. If all the lots to be of Vhen Ordzring Clothes BRODHEAD. Mrs.

Mary Albright is soon to have fered had a house on them, all could be rented to desirable, tenant in I than 24 hours. West Danville is barely outside oi the citylimiU, where all large livery Barn erected. Har your measure taken by a tailor of es-wTnce. Tben your olottae, whether a low prU' utl or the Uncut evening iuttiea, will have that Individuality and lit Un-h plainly lndk-nte they were made to, mil nieiutut-e. i will alw teke your uieaa- the advantages of the town may be enjoyed, yet without 'the payment of Mesdames Walter Miller and.

Tom Freeman era the tiek list. eity i Are for extra trouneri, fancy vests, top The Baptist Sunday school here had oats and overcoats, bprlng and Hummer This splendid sub-division fronts upon one oi the most magnificent country samples oa nana reaay tor your inspection. an enrollment of 112 last Sunday. H.O. EUPLKY, The Tailor, estates in Kentucky, and is without doubt the real growing section of Dan Larkin Hicks, of this place, and Mrs.

Btantord, Ky. ville, within easy reach of water, electric light, and gas. Sally Ramsey, widow of the Big Itching Skin Diseases Glades section, wsjre married Sunday, Several of the lots to be offered front on the Perryville pike end are the readily cured by Zemo. A liquid for external use. Zemo givesaristant' JPer Shelter) of St Frith cream OtV the whole subdivision.

AH lots except tbvwe fronting on the Per acres of land just west of. town at S6E. rtlief and permanently cures any form if IrrhinT.Skin or Scab disease. AC Bob Hicks bought of J. T.

Cher. ryville pike are 50x200 feet, and those on the pike are 602M. ry two acres lying in front of entrattM Drai'sts. Write for sample. E.

to fair grounds at $90 per acre, Ctimmins St Weareiti, Zosc Hied. St. Louis. Mo. J.

F. Harris old to J. M. Cress, of Splendid Lot Will be Qiv- a npnuiiA nnii a ATfinp I 4 u. rutin unuu 01 vni- frTreacnersvilie.

bunch of ewea at $6 r- a r- a rn r- 1 1. "uivot awtu ui 4CK I rtflil run 0L.Cl Sutton 10 ewes at S3.60 cer bead. Away Absolutely Matt Craig, and Herman- have STANFORD. KENTUCKY, The farm of 140 acres, of good blue ran I boueht about all tha wnnt in thm ennntv Unit lnriMV.Otl I tire Vtanfoyd'. pike.

Improvements and I 27 and 28c per pound f-nclnu icood; plenty oi water ana iruit.i Farmers are about th'mmrh nlnnHno Also 1M aeres of tlmliered land one oilier aooui HlTOUgn planting FREE' on Ddy of Sale! it of innev half under fence; plenty I ern and there has been a larger acre- water good tobacco land. Beerow ft MY LINE OF sc.iuu.,,.,. I than ever before) It no am in thou It a suitable season this county should CUT FLC.VZr.S FCR.SALE! furnish its own corn next sorinir! Tim Each holder of a ticket will be registered and the holder bf the lucky I mn fumiih the nuoiic with the best. i oer an gone ana no puDiic works seems TROUSERS! wot as tne iresnesi oicut nowers, plants oi i thai: number must be present in person the drawinrtake place. A brass iJl v- .11 lllllliOIlM UV, stt'.

aim. make a specialty oi wreatns i ituai Dkturaay ine repuDlicans Of tnis band will be in attendance. Danville's renotation as an educational center county closed a heated contest which I have all in connection wito tne aoove, is too far famed to require special notice here. It may be mentioned tha kiwis oi veetablea on hand at reasonable hid been going pa for some time. Lots as ss- aar -w--v the Kentucky School for the Deaf, Central University of Kentucky, Cald- t- i of voting, lota of drinking and several SHices.

CHRISTMAS (JRKKlf HOUSR. Kr 11UBRABD. PSOB. JO CwrrtaW 4wSAA JLOO small scraps at different places. The well College, Danville Business College.

Duoierous private schools and" the Btaniord.Ky. For The 1Mb. only, man having a cinch was T. J. best publie school in the State are located here, as well as handsome churches DR.

E. C. TEGT. Nicely, for sheriff, he having 'no opposition. Those nominated as follows: of all denominations; Danville is the terminal point of the Southern Kail SPmriOandSUMMER way.

and the divisional point of the Queen Crescent route. Hundreds of (Successor Dri I Casey W. Bethurom for county judge de- railroad people are moving into the West Danville is the one availa Vrterinarr-Surireon and- Ballard; Hugh Miller for circuit clerk, the man- who ran because ble residence section for these When these lots are sold all available Graduate oi Chicago. VtU erinary College. Better than ever handled before 'for his horse told him to; 8.

Lunsford, building sites in this section will have been practically taken, so now is' the I county attorney, defeating W- A. Ham-Imonds; John W. Kensr, superintendent the Also the most, up-to-date Phone Sf. Office at D. F.

Logitn's Stable. time to buy. -f. DANVILLE, KYf line of publie schools, defeating three others To the speculator no better investnieut can be found. Terms liberal and 1 by i Iariremaioritv: S.

V. Bowman made known on day of sale. a I af ira. itiugui seven otoeni out ISejaZley Oi there; Tip Langford, jailer, defeat- Men's dnd Lgdies' Oxfcrds. i iok aix oxners; james froctor, assessor, defeating two others.

Here and There. (Hi- The most illiterate country of Europe 111 la any style you wish. Call and let is Eoumania'. Two-thirds of the population can neither read nor write. us show yqu what we have.

Twenty-five persons were injured snd several buildings demolished in Mount Washington, a suburb of Kansas City, Real Estate Agents, DANVILLErKENTUCKY. in a severe wind and hailstorm. SAMROBINSON, Between 30 and 40 persons were in jured, some of tham fatally, by the UnduitiKers and EinbaW- AI Dalrs in I'm. niture, Mattings.EugA The will exchange Furniture for all Kinds of Stock.Qiva Them a Call. Price, flight.

wreck of a Chicago and Alton train naar Odessa, Mo. The longest telegraph line in the world above ground. and without a ODE2XPEX3 Did you ever stop and figure how mucu cheaper we cku sell a better Bug CraPK3UD. KEMTUCKY. gy thaj the so-called good buggy that sells at 13o to tloO We cau save You Will Make No MistakelmlBuyins The BrowiiRidinof and Walli- you $15 to $25 on each.

Why We sell direct. We can make as cheap as the man in New York, Chicago or St. Louis, or anywhere and we J.X. AlcClary, Cultivators ins rt-. can save you the profit of hauling, druynge and freight and' drummer, and the greatest of all is the dealer profit.

Let us figure with yoii; we bave the latest improved macliiiiery; we have a wheel drill that drills a wheel in 3 minutes; we have a sandpapering machine that will do the work of 12 men; our emery and sand belt machine has no equal. Our flexible drill machine will drill 2000 holes in buggy shafts and bxiies in a day. How does this figure in drilling by hand. Give us a call. We paint old vehicles and make them look like lie.

nw. DAMILLC, KY. break has been completed in Australia. Its total length is someting over 6,000 miles. In Australia the child of a poor widowed mother, instead of being taken from her and placed In an institution, is boarded with its mother, at the expense of the State.

'-y Two of the five men convicfe'd in the "Turpentine Trust" case at Savannah, were sentenced to serve three months in jail, -while -fines ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 were assessed, in each case. At Campbellsville Daniel Horton, aged a'wuMO, was killed by William Suipp, aged 20, as (tie result of an old fued. Horton's brother killed young Shipp's father, Robert Shipp, and at the sams time wss killed by Robert Sbipp. This happened about 10 years Thy met in the rd and' when thesr. -ke cleared away I dudisiv Robert Fhiro and Lloyd Horton, were li t' Lt it a r- t-, 'if it is r- it i tr li i Come in and look at them? -Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Screen Cloth, in All Sizes.

Shall be Glad to Sea You. r. ncJcitaker. Cmta or and Hnrry Jacobs, In 3, ka Jlery, at i i -tj 9 Dealer In and Mnmimcturer of CT -sriia ani C. ta f'onu- I tn prptiRr1! todo ftl! klnHof snrvevin-nuti ftvli rim nwrhitf, prouup ii-v i wui ifut 'iiitffd ik1 ti -s t.

r'iiicnt i O'fl't'if t'ttjnOiiJ a a '-lters and Pnafg, f'iiftry eiifi 1 7. Borne Phone 6. i airl SwtU'es. y..

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