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Interior Journal from Stanford, Kentucky • Page 1

Interior Journal from Stanford, Kentucky • Page 1

Interior Journali
Stanford, Kentucky
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104 SjSSisWs I jjttyttmAiitoniihVnnTvfiiii n'mi liirniTff iffii i it. i ssssVyiMllji; jtjfrffijfin Interior Journal VOL. XVI. STANFORD, APRIL d3, 4888. NO.


ixTKiiiou: "dipt. unil tho iroo.1 "I'lmiitom," worn put iu tvqtiliitinn yvHtunluy, to roiivry if us "wliltliiTjMMjvi'r hi' liit'l." There wi'iv vprvni'iiliitlwH from Illinoin, lovvu, Viwconin mid Kentucky in the little p.nty unil nt nliuin li' pliw juiilv. cmiMldoriiii' uiir native ami in Hmllieil UlilikiMiwwi'M. I hiip'mno that a whole jjoncrutiiiii and a piix! ileal of clirWtiuiiity will hu reiMiitctl to pnnluie iluMnnl liariuouy of the nectioiiH, it will not rcipiire an ellort, inure or less, for them to nlliliate with un; ami with them. When ii niaiie, however, anil educational tr.iiniiiK ii overcome, we llwl tlmt there in "pretty much iitaninc'lnii'm'' lies' iv eon in.

Hut will till un welcome reptiNiuii ever, wholly, illmip. nr, on earth? Lot im hope it. If not, "In Heat en abuse, here all Is l.OVI 1 here'lllxi nn friction there" "('apt. Jack" ran in ilnvin the film ion luy in ityle, heailinj; a rival lMip at Martin; which, tryin'topa an uuheamatilike tack, mil afoul of the of one of tin verwoU at the wharf, ami piiiioIiciI her "Kiir," tin- upper Hpar of her mainsail. She preponteil very linipaiul crestfallen aipearanii', ami 1 felt riht furry or her crew, us we, victorious, left her liehiml, ami hjmiI on our course.

I'lear run of eiylit or ten inilir hroiiejit il! to the ImrliorV mouth, between fort I'lcki'iiH ami We winhcl tolaml at the latter ami pick up Home nhell on that iK'ach, hut the wiml was in the w'roui; ipwrtor for l.imlini;, ami the uumitakahlc hvvoII of the jgreiit iulf Ik'iii to tell imi ileciiloilly on our little Monti that we jmvo "I'apt. gracious penni.viion to put ami run in into niotor w.itern. A few uiinutert lil tltin, before any of the p.uty Im'pui to "turn jrreen," or rciy "New York." Then wo run over to Warrinton for Mime raw ovntem. or by this time the Mil air had Miarpcned appetite; mid what tlu dear l.OItl) ban done for ceitain "hostelry," not to wy MoiTy," i through nea air, "mixed with faith," nt that place in "famous for its oyMem. as dear Haul pithily expresne.n it to the Om ami llfty bivalve bandy Hebrews, l'rainv Ills dear Naiiiii! Hiullced for our voniciiiun party of twelve; tice the heathen nuvMion, in one Atul mon tlelicioiih ones I neverate.

(Mir "'f late ismicn, about "nerve inharmonious. Two iun" for " ica." I know Himetliin "pool" tablen in the room when' wo 'worth two of that," yen! thouKind of iu the next apartment a bar, with for- it. My theory, that will hold, when the niidable array of bottler mid decantet; "elements melt with fervent the lloor'littcrcd up with beer ke iiitfto tho "iikc. of aen," in this: Tht nnd heaps of oyMcmiu the nhell waiting ini' iinV i unylliimi lhl the Willi mu't their turn to be devoured. Hour thiun! wmk And I feel sure if the devil con-So helplcsM on land and iu water.

No tracts the neive, which he may; I lessor tins with which to escape1 don't nndeixtaud the pathology of the and even their jawed shells at- case-the dear I.OltP can stretch it, in lacked and perforated by their purlieu-' the plesiMiutest poviluV way. Certainly lar panisitic enemies. Tlie "destroyer" mine has been, painlessly, "stretched" ban agents innumerable to clled bin fell in thin IViisucola climate, so luxurious; purposes. Half the nhells one picks up mid in this salt air mi and on the beach have a perfectly round hole And it does one so much bored in a p.iiticular part of the piotl to pmU HIM and feel tothetipsof lar strucliiie, show in where death, to one's mid toes, an well un in the the helpless inmate, eiitenil; while un- bottom of one's heart, that UK ban done nuinbeivil thotisamln bear the marks of it. That in better than healing As it in attack, where the shell ban been written, "Thy loving kindness in better ed into and honey-combed by little than liiV," even.

I lt with your "nerve nicioiiH who have run their It almost sets my "sciatic" ny pillories here and there, till 1 1" acliinj; to think of it. You meant it bio spot Kivori entrance to the inner kindly, all thes.ime. and I thank you for del, whore tho juicy and coveted bivalve the tumble of Hut I will makes his home. Then wild sick and have none of it. plunder of the captured fortivss.

Its We spend the afternoon at our piod richnens in looted bv a huuery horde of captain's, which vve me sure the dear l.iliputian dovouiJm, ami 'tho empty ill mako an eiijoyablo an the rest Miellbei le.n the sport of old ocean; to delightful lVnnacula visit. Hut boKratoilaloiurtho bottom and linally heie will be no time to write it up ii on shoiv, to enrich tliocollection 'r'ht. We start, (iod on the of horer of the land. Poor i. train Saturday i row i and things! What have thev done to be each Mississippi City, Mis.s., between trtiited mi? How clear it in that a devil and New Orleans, Saturday i.

i. Iu ulio lining about o'clock. UL'PIMIJI'I irt hi Ihein for living nieiely; and wreaks his npito uiion the innocent without mercy. And to think that man's persistent unbelief u'iven him access to those, helpless millions: of "innocents," vvIiooukIiI to be liroteeted and shelteretl by his faith, i That i.n tho worst of it. When will men ii 1.

1.. I M'O llllll Willi unpunioiiiiuie nni in belief opens Paudora'ri box and Hoods tlie world with vvrctclieilnes.n anil woe: A futherVunfaith brino niinery untold on his helpless and innocent oIlHprintr, a liuMiaiitl'fl on wife; a brother' on a Hintor. This is boll's carnival when tho innocent HUiIor for tho guilty. And Satan has. crowned this cruel ordinance of his "kingdom of darkness;" by getting nien to believe unil preachers to preach, that this is all the wine, Fatheily action of a good God, Who in nonio mysterious way has ordained all this devil's work for soino possible good.

"Doing evil that good may come." 0, judicial ntultijication of tho "blind leading tho blind" mid both heading for tho wnno "ditch," fust! When will eyes ho opened? lhit I am getting away from "Captain Jnck" and the "Phantom" iu thus over an oyster Miell. Wo "stretched away," as sailors talk, across the bay and after series of tucks, "brought up" sea lingo again at the where Undo Samuel keep Hi'Vi'ti Htoiit men to help the iipnii thin part of the, count. The Mution on a narrow part of Santa Rowi IhIuiiiI, where it is only a few hundred yard from the H.iy Heroin to the open (iulf. A nice bonne, with a look-out cu I jiola aliovo nud everything needful for, life Having In tin larno room below. The apparatus for ruiiitohinjx the ed from a watery crave, couMxtH of a tine "0 feet lon, nearly, and a "caiket" that can be entirely closed and through the mirf, while tlie in-mate in kept iw "dry im a bone." Thin for iuvalidn or children, who cannot be taken into the open boat.

It in about 0 or 7 feet long, Miaped like a fat eiar, with iron iiii, for traction, at one end. Then on another wheeled vehicle are coil of tope and all the attachmeiitH of the miiiiII bran jrnn that will throw a cylindrical holid idiot of Iron, about IK indie in leiiKth and inehen in for half a mile or more, 1th ii Mining twine attached to a ring in one end. Thin iiitliiiiwii the htranded and tier ciew pull in the Hiuallcr ntiinj; till a larger one and then Mill ntronger one iu turn are hmnglit in ami made fant. Thin formn a line of connection between Miip ami Miore, and over lin htoiit rope the crew mil pen, one by one, in a nut of cradle that in drawn biekwardn ami forwards. Happily then ban been no wreck at mil on thin eoant nince the ntiition live years ul'o, and the letters iimiii every bit of I'liele SauuielV heieaway might be deemed by a little faNe pronunciation, I.

S. S. Hinelesni; but not mi. The devil would be Mile to unmade a wieck on an unprotected upot of liin npecial ritory; and only refniinn here, perhaps, because it in "Prevention in better than cure" all the world over. We on the "Phantom" mid with a beautiful breeze on the "Mar-I mi, in I tniarter" (ahem! how nautical we are scudded away for home.

Another perfect day, the dear Father to brine fresh health to the invalids and pleasure to us nil. My attack at Cuba Station pulled me down to Yenterday the hcalc.n marked my full weight, mi you can Kvcr iu lesu, (). Hvil.NKs. LONDON, LAUREL COUNTY. -Monday was our regular county court, Verv little business was done iu couit.

The old iu front of the store- niuiiioui I mill Wmi fin- I'aris is beinji taken down and a nice pin uji iu iih piace. Tho trial of John and Hill Stringer for shooting Johnson Chuuiley at Pittsburg came up again Monday before Judge Hakor. They waived examination and gave bond iu tho sum of S'UX) each. Uncle Whitten Faris was taken itli a congestive chill Sunday and is still very low. ltev.

J. C. Gill is out npiin, after a long spell of sickness. Sirs. J.

C. Jackson is back from a visit to Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Uoggin and her daughter, of Kirksvillo, is stopping at Mrs. Mi A.

Faris. Win. Hrovvn, of the Echo office, wont to Jellico Wednesday. Fred Parsley is traveling in Tennessee for W. II.

Jackson A Co. Wednesday morning ns a party of Swiss miners vvere on their way to Pittsburg, they met a man named Carter, who, witiiout a word or provocation, drovv his revolver and tired at one of them named Arnold, striking him in the heel, indicting a very painful wound. Carter was an esled by u. M. tovelacu ami Jailer Phelps anil placed in jail to await his examining trial Friday.

CRAB ORCHARD. W. F. Kennedy is Milking every day. Mr.

George II. King him made his wife a present of an orau. We are soon to have another wedding, no Madam Humor says. A large nowsign ornaments the front of the Grover livery stable. Dr.

Doores was called to Hrodhead Monday to see Miss Susie Woodyard. Last week several parties from here went fishing ami met with HHhermiiu's luck. A number of persons hero are indebted to Gov. McCreary for packages of garden seeds leceived. Minn Annie Stuart has our thanks for the April number of the Hamilton College Monthly.

Mrs. W. T. Stephenson in president of the W. C.

T. and tho society meets at her house every Wednesday afternoon. Dr. and Mm. W.

II. Aruiendt art' keeping house iu her residence on Iun-caster street. Mm. A. is delighted to get buck to C.

O. A good many of our young people enjoyed another impromptu hop at the College Hall last Friday night. -Thanks to Miss I.uru Doores for those two lovely punels she painted for us. They are highly appreciated. We have not yet seen the new pulpit at the Christian church, but have heard that it is at last finished.

ltev. M. C. Morgan preached at the Christian church Sunday morning ami night ami Kev. It.

A. Hopper, of Lebanon, Wednesday night. The entertainment at tho College Hall will take place on the night of tho L'Otli, instead of the an stated iu our letter to the Signal this week. J. W.

James and J. F. Hnlduui are iu Cincinnati, each buying a large stock of dry goods. Tho former for himself and tlie latter for G. W.

James, who was not able to go. G. It. Harris is clerking iu Mr. Holdam's absynce.

Mr. It. II. Hnuiaugh, still-house watch, has been returned here to his old stand, nnd Mr. It.

It. with whom he exchanged, has been sent back to the Traylor still-house. Mr. Gentry's departure is universally regretted, particularly I by oiie sad heart. I One lady, after reading the article in 1 our last week's letter about the Sunday-school, asked why wo did not remind tho older members of the non-performance of their duty in letting so young a man us Mr.

I loldam Stuart take the lead. The older members an sadly rem ins in their duty to the school and a reminder of this i.n not at all out of place, iu our humble judgment. Messrs. Frank Fox and A. K.

Gibbons, I of Danville, were in town Sunday. Mm. lihoda lliggins, of Gioon'wood, is the guest of her daughter, Mm. G. II.

King. Mr. Will A. Hrook.n has gone to Ninth Carolina to remain all summer. Mr.

C. A.Smithem, of Yincennes, wan heiv to see Miss Leila Doores sever- days ago. Ho certainly has an eye for the beautiful. Accompanied by Lura J'ooros they visited Stanford and 1 Lancaster while he wan hero. Joe Coil'ey and wife, of Danville, spent several days with Mm.

W. It. Dilliou. Hon. Samuel Ward's son, Willie, who has been from home for several yearn, leturned lust week.

Gmit was tho rejoicing over tin wanderer's letiirn. Mm. Sallie Hutchinson and her daughter, Heithu, who have been the guests of her futhCr's family, Dr. Doores, for sevenil months, 1 ft Tuesday for their home in Vilas, Col. Her many friends greatly regret ted to see her leave.

and Mm. J. W. Guest ami Miss Iunie, of Danville, have been visiting Mrs. I.uum Mooie. Lura Dooies is in the country witli her sinter, Mm. Parish. Expert Accountant Granger, who, for four months ban been examining the accounts of Treasurer Weir, of New Albany, duds that he is $70,000 short. Mr. Weir is still in New Albany mid will stand back mid see his bondsmen pay him out.

It is whispeiod that ho wan engaged iu margin speculations. He is a republican, of course. It is asserted that if the Direct Tax Hill, which is now on a deadlock iu the House, becomes a law one lobbyist will secure a fee of $160,000. The deniocnits are holding out bravely against the passage of the bill. Being More Pleasant To tho taste, moro accepUblo to tho stomach, and moro truly lonoflcial In its action, tho famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, is rapidly superseding all others.

Try it. One bottle will provo its merits. For sale by A. H. Penny, Stanford.

8yrup of Figa Is Naturo's own true laxative. It is the moit easily takon, and the most ofTectivo remody known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costivo; to dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Cure Habitual Constipation, Indigestion, Files, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. For Kilo by A. It.

Penny, Stanford. HUSTONVILLE. Husincss is lively among the Tiadersaie waiting for developments. Grass is lesponding beautifully to the genial weather. Gardens will close attention and there isa laudable purpose to stave oil' starvation as long as possible.

Mrs. J. E. iltifl'mau, of Liberty, is visiting old friends at her childhood's home. Minn Julia Hradley went to Wednesday, to bo with her aunt, Mm.

Soc Owens, iu her atllictions. Jiirry Adams in givinga smiling welcome to wayfarers as clerk at the Carpenter Hotel. Hen N. Allen returned Saturday from Texas, where spent the winter. He is not enthusiastic on the subject of Western emigration; gives a favorable report of Texas soil, but dislikes tlie climate, mid especially the water.

lie has three grand objections to Kansas, stated thus: First, the people are nearly all radicals; second, they are infested by the Salvation Army; and third, they are being driven into anarchy by female suti'rage. Mr. A. has decided, therefore, to spend his remaining days in Kentucky. Since Hilly Wright's successful tussle with the C.

S. H. It. there in a great disposition among our people to "take rinkn" on that blood-thirsty thorough-fan. In fact it in our only chance for eany living.

The "home guards" were not permitted to aid the groaning nation to throw oil' the incubus of a surplus in the treasury; by drawing pensions, which they were always patriotically willing to do; bicycles are expensive ami and pay no premiums on broken bonen or unsightly contusions; and the eany positions have all been "accepted" long ago. Hence we look to railroad accidents for revenue. HUBBLE. Marion Lane left for Ohio Saturday. S.

Hubble bought a bay horce of G. T. for Wallace Walter linn retimed bis former iob with 11. 1''. KiiL'leman.

11. F. KniIeiuan is selling bis entire utock of goods at cost in order to reduce 'it. iduey Dunbar. is about to rent his tobacco laud to Mr.

Yeager for hemp laud. It is said that Gulley on going from Kngleuian's went into the lumber and stave business. Collins Gentry, one of our former good citizens, late of Texas, died suddenly of lieniorrlingi1 of the luncs. Dr. Carroll Kendrick will preach at Rush Branch the 'M Sunday iu April.

He is from California anil will be enter- mined by a good basket dinner on the grounds. Mondav was the dav set to trv some of our boys, charged with disturbing nliip at church. The boys all appeared to stand a trial, but owing to bad colds it was utteily impossible for some of the Commonwealth's witnesses to put iu their appearance, so the Commonwealth put it off till next eoiut. The widow HouseV nag broke into Bourne's wheat a few days ago nnd he bent down a limb and tied a rope around the horse's and the animal looked so high that it died with an uplifted countenance. A stack of dead geese was found in the same Held.

Beware of lotting your stoek on another man's wheat' fROYALMEVIS POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'I his powder never taries. A marvel of purity, strength and uholesomenes. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phoiphatc powders Sold only In cans Koval IIakimo Pohpkr tofi Wall Street, New York. MYE1RS MOTIEIL4 STANFORD, E.

H. BURNSIDE, PROPRIETOR. This old and well-known Hotel still maintains its high reputation, and its Proprietor is determin. ed that it shall be second 10 no conntry Hotel in the Slate in its Fare, Appointments, or Attention to hi 5 nest. Ufgage conveyed 10 and from depot free ff charge- Sptcial accommodations to Commercial Travelers.

Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The licut slvc In the world (or cuts, lirulsc, ire, ulcers, rheum, fever sorci, Hands, cliilM.iim, corns and all nkln eruptions, positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to tflve perfect satisfaction or money refunded SJ Price 5 cents per tuix. For sale by A. R.

l'tnny, Stanford, Ky Worth Knowing. Mr. V. H. Morgan, merchant, LaVeJCity, Fla was taten ith a severe Cold, attended with .1 Cjutfh and running Into Consumption in its first stages.

He tried miny so called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had dilllculty in breathing and was unable to sleep Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptionand found immediate relief, anil after using about a half doien bottles found himself well and has had no return cf the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a recordof cures as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Guaranteed to do Just what is claimed for it Trial bottle free at A.

K. Penny's Drug Store1 Renews Her Youth. Mrs. I'hirbe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Iowa tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by tne residents of the town: "I am 73 years old, hasebeen troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many ears; could not dress myself without help. Now 1 am free from pain and soreness and am able to do all my own housework.

Ijowe my thanks to Electric Hitters for having renewed my youth and removed com- Ipetely all disease and pain. Try a bottle, 50- land Si at A. It. Pennv's Drill Store. 1 Seven-bushel barrels at $1.75 at SALT.

Isaai. Hamilton's, Rowland 1 1 THOMAS NEWLAND Is a Candidate for reelection to the office Jof 1 Sheriff, Mibject to the action of the democracy JUDGE W. S. PRYOR, Is a Candidate for re-election as Judge of the Court of Appeals from this, the 2d District, subject to the action of the Democracy. 1 I I Parties who wish V( I mate delectisx work done 1 will address Hawkeyc, Stanford, Ky Ii'A CJ 17 I House and Lot of "UI OALiiJ.

I IS Acres, toll-gate, i'4 miles from Stanford. Good barn, large garden, gooA house and all the outbuildings, fruit trees, Xc, Adjoins Henry and Smith Ilaughman I want $uu for It, which very cheap Alex Martin, Stanford FOB. SAZiZ. House and 25 Acres Land Two miles South of Stanford on Neat's Creek Address me at Carlisle, Ky. CRAIG S.

O. DAVIS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, rr. VKRNON.KV, next door to Whiteheid' Drug Store. Sptcul atleiuion i.vju of 277-lf.

TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. I offer for sale proately the properly on Dan. vllle street, occupied by V. L. Withers.

'I he lot tontains about iS acres and Ihe improvements are a frame duelling of 7 rooms, .1 cistern, stable, nee. esviry outbuildings and an orchard The is sufficient for an additional building lot to be 1 cut off, and I wll sell the property as a whole or in parcels. Gallon YVM 1IKICIIT, 13 At Farmers National Hank I r. Kfctu iiockeii.src a sine, si BLamXG MILL CQMFMY I Manufacturers 01 1 Flooring, Weathorboardlng, Celling, I Finishing; Lumbor, Mouldings, Sash, 1 Etc. Sash.

Doors and Blinds always In stock. MILLINERY! We hae received and ure daily receding our elegant line of Spring Milliner) We hiue left 11 'thing undone to make our stock first-class thr mghottt llcudes our Millinery, v. uill have 1 well selected line of Kmbroidery Material Call an I examine our stock Store mi Lancaster st i COURTS COX. SADDLERY! UAKKISIias opened on Lancaster next dour to the office, .1 i-tock of saddlery goods which he will sell private-I) during tlie week mid on even Saturday and court day wilt hold auctions, wiicn he will dispose of all kinds ot harness and saddler goods a ti si 2 I CO I a CO 1 I 2 s. PO a I 3 a CO (0 a 1 CO FOR RENT.

Home and lot on Danville pike, near toll-gate, lately vacated by anone Four aires of land in lot and garden Apply to A ROOT, Stanford, Ky LTJMBER YARD! have purchased the lumber yards of Messrs. George D. Wcaren nnd llruce and will open big yard at the one purchased of Mr W'earen Resides lumber in rough and dressed, I will carry a large line of indow sashes, doors and shingles, laths, posts and the picket fence formerly sold by Mr. W'earen. S.

O. dr. n. rr.NN rRAN'K HERBERT, D. II Penny 3t Sorbsrt, DENTISTS, B5 on Lancaster oppo site court-house All work guaranteed to gite en tire satisfaction THE BOTTOM KNOCKED OUT.

The greatet reduction in prices ever known at WALTER Ft F.LDS' first-class shoeing and repair shop. Thanking my friends for their past favors I solicit the same in the future. All kinds of work done in the best of style nnd warranted to ghe satisfaction or no pay. Anything in iron or wood that you want give me a trial and be convinced. WALTER FIELDS, Turnersville.

1871. 1888. Planing Mill, IJkmM ikssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssW.lssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstssssss iHHSHH A OFFUTT, Proprietor, LEUAXON, KY Doors, Sash, lllinds. Frames, Casing, liase Moldings Mantles, Ilrackets, Cornices, Stairs, Newels, llalusters, Verandas, Store Fronts, Shelving, Counters, Mooring, Siding, Shingles, Laths, Knugh and Dressed Lumber. Send for prices before buying clsew here.

ivery, geed and Sle Spble, W. H. JACKSON PRO'RS. LONDON, KY, Good turnouts and saddle horses always for hire on reasonable terms London Is the most convenient point on the railroad 10 reach places in the in the mountain section of the Stale to i tsro Elegant luriiitiirc, sharp razors experienced workmciimakcmvTonsorial Artist Kooins the foremost in this part of the State Hair cutting, hliaving shampooing done In the latest and most Improved style. Mr special attention will beglxen to l.tdles'and children 10 JKSSKJ THOMPSON, htanforU, Ky NEWCOMB HOTEL.

MT. VERNON, KY. This ol 1 and wall-know Hotel is still maintaining its fine reputation. Charges reasonable. Special attention Iu the traveling public.


FRANK B. RILEY, PROPRIETOR. Thoroughly Renovated and Ueftiriiishcd, First-class Fare and Reasonable Prices. Day and night Trains are met by Polite Porters. of this Popular House.


PERKINS r.KOiiiiK.ui, Mai, iSij, Albright Jb Martin beg inform their minj friends and customers of the change in firm name MARTIN PERKINS, The new firm hopes not only to kuitaln the reputation of the old, but intends to make many improvements in the manufacture of tobacco which will be to the interest nf our customers. We will devote special attention to our Natural Leaf brands of Kentucky's best leaf. Thanking you forpast favors and asking fur a continuation of your trade, we remain Respectfully yours, j6m MAR FIN A PKRKINS. THE FLORENCE WASHING MACHINE I have bought the right to sell the Florence Washing Machine and am now prepared 10 furnish nil who may wish 10 save their clothes from Ihe rubbing and tearing incident to the old process of washing. Take one and try it and bn convinced I'll not worry yuu about buying unless you arc fully satisfied as to its merits.

The undersigned have purchased the Florence Washing machine and after a thorough trial, we take pleasure in adding our testimony to its worth, and without hesitation pronounce it a success In every particular, doing all that Is claimed for it: Wm. Daugherly, J. Wallace, Dr, llsurne, Mrs. S. P.

Salter. A. C. Sine, Hill Perkins, Lewis Dudderar, J. K.

Lynn, L. L. Dawson, Vanoy, Mrs.Ainanda Peak, George Peyton, Alex C. C. Fields.

Albert Camden, Sim Raines, R. K. Harrow, A. M. Felaud and many others.

M.F. KLKIN. Headquarters at S. Myers' store..

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